Earnest Fitzhugh II

Earnest Fitzhugh, II, has been preaching since his teens and has been in pastoral ministry since 2009. His preaching ministry started at 17 years old and he was licensed at age 19. A year later, he was ordained as an elder by the late Bishop LeRoy Robert Anderson. He served as an associate elder of Higher Ground Church of God in Christ in Phoenix, AZ, where his father is pastor, until the founding and launch of New Covenant Church of God in Christ in September of 2009.  Despite significant challenges, God has blessed Pastor Fitzhugh to apply clarity to the assignment of the church, memorialized when name was changed to Redemption Life Center. Redemption has become a hub of transition and growth for all people, regardless of their past difficulties, current disposition or cultural background.

Pastor Fitzhugh is a native of Phoenix, Arizona. His college course of study and largest portion of employment history is in the area of Law. He’s built and owned multiple successful businesses and has a true heart for entrepreneurship. Pastor Fitzhugh has a God given grace for ministry development and marketing as it relates to this generation of believer. An effective communicator and teacher of God’s Word, Pastor Fitzhugh is widely known for his practical and dynamic teaching style which helps people apply the timeless truths of Scripture to their everyday lives. Pastor Fitzhugh has traveled various places teaching his Kairos Leadership Program. A program designed to assist churches/leadership in assess its current efficacy as it relates to conversion and retention of new believers.

He and his wife, “Rey,” proudly parent four children and continue to aspire to do God’s work and be an example for those around them. Pastor Fitzhugh often says, “Where I am today, makes everything I went through, worth it. All things really do work together for the good.”

For more information about the author, visit www.realationshipsbook.com