Kevin Stine
Meet Kevin
Kevin is a graduate of Grove City College, class of 1981, where he earned his bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. Kevin’s professional career has given him many roles and responsibilities in manufacturing while living and working in the USA and Europe. He is currently president and co-owner of a business in Kittery, Maine: PTE Precision Machining. Kevin has two daughters, both of whom were recently married. After losing his first wife, Diane, to breast cancer, Kevin married his current wife, Pam, and instantly gained four sons with two daughters-in-law and two grandchildren. Besides time with his family, Kevin has always enjoyed various outdoor activities: water skiing, snow skiing, hiking, kayaking, canoeing, and traveling. In addition to his family and professional career, Kevin has had various roles within the churches he and his family have attended. His many serving roles included both local opportunities and international short-term mission trips. However, of all the functions he has held within the church, the preparation and leading of small group Bible studies have brought him the most joy.
A Mother's Perspective
When someone goes through a difficult time, it is easy to think that no one understands. It is difficult to believe that there is an overarching plan that could make sense of the situation. For example, consider how much pain Jesus’ death on the cross must have caused his mother (Mary), as well as other family members and close friends (disciples). Mary obeyed God but still must have suffered through various hardships, all of which were part of God’s redemptive plan. With Mary as an example of someone enduring many difficulties and hardships but remaining obedient to God’s calling, I hope that this book will encourage you (even in those times of suffering) that God is in control and has a bigger plan than we can imagine. It doesn’t mean it won’t hurt during those times, as Mary indeed experienced. After all, God sacrificed his son for each of us. It caused pain and suffering in many ways for Jesus, his family, and his friends. During that time of despair, Jesus’ family and friends could not see the big picture—not until they experienced Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. Likewise, it is impossible for us to fully know why we experience various forms of grief, at least not at the time. What we do have is the promise of his return. At that point, we will experience pure joy. Until then, I pray that you get hope and encouragement from God through this book, the stories, and experiences of everyday people, as well as the stories of people throughout the Bible. God has a plan, even if you don’t understand it or don’t know what it is.