An Anchor for My Soul Devotions: Soul-Anchoring Devotions for the Multifaceted, Multitasked Woman (Lenita Reeves)
by : PH PubishingAuthor: Lenita Williamson-Reeves
Today’s Christian woman is faced with a dilemma, and its name is “multi-.” While trying to serve the Lord, multiplicities of responsibility vie for her attention. She wrestles daily to handle it all and simultaneously understand her multifaceted nature. But unfortunately, helping others often prevents the healing of issues within her soul. An Anchor for My Soul Devotions addresses these issues, facilitates healing, and anchors Christian women who are dizzy and discombobulated from the whirlwind of multiple responsibilities, talents, and roles. Before a ship sets sail, it must be anchored and refueled. This twenty-one-day devotional is the multitasked, multifaceted woman’s necessary daily dose of anchoring and refueling.
Author: Lenita Williamson-Reeves
Today’s Christian woman is faced with a dilemma, and its name is “multi-.” While trying to serve the Lord, multiplicities of responsibility vie for her attention. She wrestles daily to handle it all and simultaneously understand her multifaceted nature. But unfortunately, helping others often prevents the healing of issues within her soul. An Anchor for My Soul Devotions addresses these issues, facilitates healing, and anchors Christian women who are dizzy and discombobulated from the whirlwind of multiple responsibilities, talents, and roles. Before a ship sets sail, it must be anchored and refueled. This twenty-one-day devotional is the multitasked, multifaceted woman’s necessary daily dose of anchoring and refueling.