Fervent Fire: Understanding the Pattern of the Priesthood for Prevailing Intercessory Prayer (Lenita Reeves)
by : PH PubishingAuthor: Lenita Williamson-Reeves
Set your intercession ablaze, effectively deal with evil altars, and bring transformation to your life, family, community, and nation. This book reveals the “altar blueprint,” and provides a scriptural explanation grounded in the pattern of the priesthood to empower you to deal with evil altars and rise to new heights of effectiveness in prophetic intercession. All believers, and intercessors especially, must embrace that they are first priests, and gain an understanding of the pattern therein, which is necessary to maintain fervency in prayer, understand how prayer watches originated, and how altars work. This books swings open a door of insight to the present-day workings of priests, sacrifices, altars, thrones, and angels. You’ll also discover the exciting journey of the early priesthood, its connection to Israel’s history, and how a shrewd, scheming politician manipulated the pattern of the priesthood to secure his throne—just as some do today. All the while, you’ll be building up to a wonderful and new revelation of exactly why Jesus calls us a royal priesthood. This book is essential for all intercessors, fundamental to every believer, and of utmost necessity to those who have purposed for their Christianity to add value to the royal priesthood and holy nation.
Author: Lenita Williamson-Reeves
Set your intercession ablaze, effectively deal with evil altars, and bring transformation to your life, family, community, and nation. This book reveals the “altar blueprint,” and provides a scriptural explanation grounded in the pattern of the priesthood to empower you to deal with evil altars and rise to new heights of effectiveness in prophetic intercession. All believers, and intercessors especially, must embrace that they are first priests, and gain an understanding of the pattern therein, which is necessary to maintain fervency in prayer, understand how prayer watches originated, and how altars work. This books swings open a door of insight to the present-day workings of priests, sacrifices, altars, thrones, and angels. You’ll also discover the exciting journey of the early priesthood, its connection to Israel’s history, and how a shrewd, scheming politician manipulated the pattern of the priesthood to secure his throne—just as some do today. All the while, you’ll be building up to a wonderful and new revelation of exactly why Jesus calls us a royal priesthood. This book is essential for all intercessors, fundamental to every believer, and of utmost necessity to those who have purposed for their Christianity to add value to the royal priesthood and holy nation.