I Know Who I Am: Declarations from the Word to Set You Free (Helena Barnes)

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Author: Helena Barnes

This book, I Know Who I Am, is an inspirational book of declarations, focused on making the word of God a vital component of daily success in life. Many Christians do not embrace the entire Bible, or believe it “to the very last bit.” Sometimes, we think some aspects of the Scriptures can work for us, and other parts are archaic or relate best to other people. However, the truth of the matter is that the word of God is life. It is true. It is authentic. It is relevant; it is powerful. And it is not seasonal but is supposed to be a consistent guide to our everyday victory. And above all, it is for all mankind: young or old, rich or poor, white or black, and everyone that has breath. The word of God, which is the Bible, is a sacred book. And just like any conventional manual, we are to use the Bible as a tool to redirect us back on track. We need the Bible to deliver us from any misconceptions of who we have truly been created to be. Daily confession of the word of God boosts our confidence, helps us diffuse lies from the enemy about who we truly are in Christ, and will help us stay on track. This book is designed to make the reader know that life and death are in the power of the tongue of the believer and proper use of it breeds life and advancement. Silence gives the enemy an upper hand. Choose life and live it to the fullest by engaging this book. Remember, the saying goes, “a closed mouth is a closed destiny.” Let the truth of God’s word set you free.


Author: Helena Barnes

This book, I Know Who I Am, is an inspirational book of declarations, focused on making the word of God a vital component of daily success in life. Many Christians do not embrace the entire Bible, or believe it “to the very last bit.” Sometimes, we think some aspects of the Scriptures can work for us, and other parts are archaic or relate best to other people. However, the truth of the matter is that the word of God is life. It is true. It is authentic. It is relevant; it is powerful. And it is not seasonal but is supposed to be a consistent guide to our everyday victory. And above all, it is for all mankind: young or old, rich or poor, white or black, and everyone that has breath. The word of God, which is the Bible, is a sacred book. And just like any conventional manual, we are to use the Bible as a tool to redirect us back on track. We need the Bible to deliver us from any misconceptions of who we have truly been created to be. Daily confession of the word of God boosts our confidence, helps us diffuse lies from the enemy about who we truly are in Christ, and will help us stay on track. This book is designed to make the reader know that life and death are in the power of the tongue of the believer and proper use of it breeds life and advancement. Silence gives the enemy an upper hand. Choose life and live it to the fullest by engaging this book. Remember, the saying goes, “a closed mouth is a closed destiny.” Let the truth of God’s word set you free.